Hi! I'm Marco Geuze.

I’m the co-owner of GDK Software and an Embarcadero Delphi MVP. I started developing in the DOS era, writing applications with Turbo Pascal. Since then, I have always written code, moving from Object Pascal to Delphi. I’m regularly publish blogs, gives webinars, and I maintain a mailing list “Delphi Hero” to which many Delphi developers are subscribed. You can also watch our Delphi video’s on Youtube.

My company GDK Software is an authority on the programming language Delphi and has helped hundreds of companies with Delphi development, maintenance, and Delphi upgrades.

Pioneering Simplicity

In my book “Pioneering Simplicity“, I invite you to join me on a journey through the fascinating history of Pascal and Delphi, the programming language that has quietly shaped the digital world we live in today. From the early days of the origins of Pascal and its creator, Niklaus Wirth, to the modern implementations of Delphi and Object Pascal, this book is a combination of historical accounts, personal experiences, and insightful interviews.

“For any fan of computer history these pages are an engaging read. For those who loved or love Pascal in all its forms they are nothing short of required reading.” – Ian Barker.

Read more about Pioneering Simplicity